In recent months, I’ve been going through a period of intense busy-ness: starting a demanding new job in a new city, buying a new flat in a different area altogether (logic never was my strong point!), living between two different places, often on the road, driving hundreds of miles each month, seemingly always packing – and…
How to Fall Asleep Naturally
It happens to all of us at some point – the light switches off, but you don’t. The impact of just a few night’s missed sleep can be dramatic. One Harvard study demonstrated a clear correlation between drowsy drivers and increased accident rates. There’s also lots of evidence now that long-term lack of sleep is linked…
Setting Our Intentions
What does setting an intention mean? The idea can sound a bit vague and woolly, as if saying ‘my intention is to be happy today’ will actually make you happy. But, hey, guess what? It can! The whole idea behind setting an intention is to generate a mindset that you apply throughout a particular period of time…
Gift Guide for Yogis and Meditation Lovers
The best gifts for yoga and meditation lovers in your life (or a list to send through to your loved ones as a sneaky hint)… We’ve tried to blend supporting independent creators, and tools to deepen your practice alongside some of the more covetous gifts too. Let us know in the comments below if you know…
Chia Seed Pitta Breads
Far better to make resolutions for Lent than New Years. January is a terrible time for self-improvement – it’s dark, cold and your cupboards are still full of the booze from Christmas. Spring, on the other hand, is by definition all about new beginnings. Take something on for the 40 days of Lent, and by…