We’re deep in marathon training at the moment (yes, I know that makes it sound like we’re in the jungle, which could be about right – we’re drawing on all our resources and soldiering on even when we’d rather lie down in the shade of a tree and have a snooze). We’re also hungry a…
Vegan Cherry Chocolate Tiffin
These little Vegan Cherry Chocolate Tiffin bars taste all grown up and sophisticated but are really easy to make. They’re vegan (you probably picked up on that from the title) and made with fresh cherries if you can find them at a reasonable price. If not, dried fruit will do just fine. The flavour is…
Vegan Dark Chocolate Truffles
The ancient Aztecs believed that avocados had aphrodisiac qualities and the rumours have stuck. In fact, the link between avocados and libido was seen to be so strong that in the 1920s, avocado farmers actually sought to discredit the theory, trying to make their produce seem more wholesome. Whatever the truth, you’ll feel super sexy…
Vegan Christmas Dinner Recipes
Ho, ho, ho – here we go! ’tis the season to be stuffed, bloated and give terrible yourself belly ache. Well, actually, that isn’t strictly necessary, is it? It is the season to eat fabulous food if you get the chance but you don’t have to make yourself ill in the process. And don’t forget: if…
Healthy Triple Chocolate Cheesecake
Photo by Zsolt Sándor / MothershipUK If you’re a regular reader you’ll know that we don’t guilt-trip about food. ‘Eat the right amount for the amount you move around’ is our philosophy in a nutshell. Given this, we like a bit of healthy indulgence as much as the next sane person and we’re partial to a…
Chocolate and Stout Cake
I love talking about food, as you may have noticed. Tell me about a great new avocado salad dressing you’ve tried, or the way that a squeeze of lemon brought your cassoulet to life. Drone on for hours about the best harrisa paste or the lack of ancho chilis in British supermarkets. Lay it on…