I once read on a blog that you have to be damned sure that you’re commited to someone before you buy a cabbage together, as it takes so long to use it up. I wish I could find the post again, because I think of it every time I have a cabbage languishing in my…
Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato Lasagne
The orange filling looks like sunshine, but the cosy lasagne is autumn all over. I guess this is the culinary equivalent of these sunny, freezing days we’ve been having. This is an easy dinner party dish, as it takes care of itself while you’re greeting people and eating nibbles. If people are a bit late,…
Vitamin B Salad
Image: Scott Jones / MothershipUK I have to admit, I have a thing about the letter B. I doodle it in margins, and swoop it in sparklers. Luckily, my passion is not un-founded. Not only are there two in my name, and my blood type B+ – it turns out that B vitamins are incredibly,…
Spectating Races
(Thank you to Themis for the Image of the London Marathon) When Mum ran races when I was a kid, I sat in the car reading Nancy Drew until 5 minutes until the approximate time she’d given me for her finishing. I’d then wander to the finish line, clap a bit and then wait for…
Roasted Shallot, Quinoa and Sun-dried Tomato Salad
Long live the Maillard reaction! Upon the application of heat, the sugars in the shallots caramelise down in to a beautiful toffee buff. They become the perfect counterpoint to the sun dried tomatoes, which I sometimes find a bit too ferric for my liking otherwise. This was a happy-accident dinner salad that is beyond the…
Bibi’s Birthday Fruity Chelsea Buns
It was my birthday on Monday, and both my boyfriend and I took the day off work. Did we take advantage of this by going out raving on Sunday night, spending my birthday hungover on the sofa? Did we heck. A birthday is a day for doing your favourite things. So, we went for a…
Post-run Refuelling – 15 minute countdown
Sports scientists say you need to refuel within 15 minutes of finishing exercise to help your body repair muscle tears and make the most of your workout. In an article for Running Times, director of sports nutrition at University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre Leslie Bonci said “I really encourage athletes to do something within 15 minutes. The…
Beetroot, Feta and Pumpkin Seed Salad
(Photo taken by my lovely friend Elaina of Copenhagen blog Fint & Dejlig when she came to visit me in London). Beetroot can seem a bit scary in a Lady Macbeth looks-like-blood-down-the-plughole kind of way. But a) there are ways around this and b) the benefits of beetroot, particularly for runners, are well worth a…
Tofu Pho – What the pho? It’s Vietnamese noodle soup.
All over North America, there are restaurants that serve Pho, a Vietnamese noodle soup. And more often than not, they have a puntastic name (it’s said like our naughtiest swearword, without the ‘ck’ on the end) – “What the Pho” “Pho Sho” “Pho Shizzle”. So far, so good. (Who doesn’t love puns?!) But did I…
The Best Roasted Butternut Squash Ever
I wouldn’t say this is the best unless it were true. Mum and I ate this as part of our carbo-loading feast before the Blenheim Palace Half-Marathon last week and we were still going on about how good it was at about mile 10. Mum has begged me to get this posted asap so that…
Guest Post on Culture Vultures
What’s mum’s response to the incredibly rude chat “I just find running boring”? We don’t just blog here! Mum recently posted on Culture Vultures on “Art & Running: What’s the connection?”
Kalofagas – Greek Stuffed Vegetables
This recipe was given to us by Helen, who tells you who she is below. It’s a good source of carbs, dietary fibre and Vitamins A, B and C, along with a host of valuable minerals. Don’t let’s get too earnest though – it’s also a wonderful treat for the tastebuds. It’s vegetarian but we’ve…