Training in winter means you need the best reflective running gear you can find. Here in the UK, it’s dark morning and evening from October through to springtime. Few people have the luxury of regular daytime running so if you want to get the miles in, you need to get the gear that will keep you safe and let cars, bikes and wayward pedestrians spot you from a hundred paces.
We asked for recommendations on our Twitter feed and this is what our lovely running followers came up with. We’ve included a full range of products, from reflective jackets right through to low-cost armbands. Whatever your needs and budget, there’s something in the list here to keep you safe this winter.
Albedo 110 reflective spray – we LOVE the look of this stuff. It’s a washable reflective spray that you douse your clothes clothes with before you head off into the dark like a living, breathing work of art. It’s the street art approach to being seen and looks fab – check out the video above. There’s a child and pet-friendly version too so you can make your kid and your dog as cool as you are!
Reflective Buff – loads of different colours with reflective strips visible up to 150 metres away. This is the light, bright and easy way to make yourself into a night time running ninja.
Nitebright Reflective Vest
Child / Small adult size – this is a lightweight, adjustable vest with added flashing LED lights that can be seen up to 200 metres away. It can be used on bags and backpacks too so it’s handy for cycling as well.
Proviz Reflective Jackets – the website says for cycling, running and riding and that they’re very reflective. We like that cut-to-the-chase approach. Very reflective is pretty clear!
Shreuder Sports reflective armbands with 4 LED lights in each. The cheapest option for being seen. If you’re strapped for cash, this is the better safe than sorry option.
Fitty UK also make some styling reflective armbands – cheap as chips and clear plastic when switched off so you only look neon when you need to.
There you go – everything you need to keep you light and bright when running in the dark 🙂
We love if you checked out our reflective clothing line! We are based in the US but ship just about anywhere.
For me, the biggest downside of running in the winter is definitely worrying about not being seen. And you’re right, not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy a midday run so reflective clothing and accessories are absolutely essential. Thanks for sharing this list – it’s really helpful!
Hi Freya, thank you – glad the post is useful! Just checked out your lovely blog too. Nice find for us. Win-win 🙂
nice post