A recipe that leaves you with 3/4 of a bottle of prosecco that you need to drink? You’re welcome! You can thank me later… if you remember. You can even take aside some of the peach puree before mixing the other ingredients in to whip up some bellinis while you wait for the ice cream to freeze.
The prosecco is not just a pretty face in this recipe. Yes, its flavour pairs perfectly with peach and rosewater, but the little bit of alcohol also prevents the ice cream from freezing into a rock hard block like some homemade ice creams can do. You’ll still need to remember to keep stirring it as it freezes, unless you have an ice cream maker.
I love all the fruit in season at the moment! I got a job-lot of peaches from the market, biked home with them in my backpack, and realised they were possibly a bit worse for wear. Perfect for blending, in fact. So, I popped them in my newest toy – my super-duper speedy blender – and the rest is heatwave history.
The Froothie blender Optimum 9400 absolutely marvelous. It’s even more powerful than a Vitamix, and you don’t need to buy separate jugs for wet & dry mixing – which means it works out way cheaper than that famous blender overall. I’m still trying to get my head around its capabilities, and can’t wait to explore more possibilities with it (ummm, tahini, anyone?! My life will be complete if I can pull that one off). Take a look at what the Optimum Blender can do, and feel free to suggest recipes for me to experiment on for you guys. I love making recipes, and I LOVE playing with my kitchen gadgets – win-win.
Peach and Prosecco Ice Cream {Vegan}
Makes about 500ml
6 to 8 peaches, to make 250ml puree
Glass of prosecco / sparkling wine
Can of coconut milk
2 to 3 tbsp maple syrup
1/4 tsp rosewater (optional)
Pinch salt
1. First, peel your peaches. Sounds like a faff, but it’s pretty easy and really makes a difference to the texture of your puree. Put a large pan of water on to boil, and place a large bowl, big enough to hold your peaches, halfway full with very cold water next to the stove.
2. Cut a 2cm cross in the skin of the bottom of each of the peaches. When the water has come to a boil, lower the peaches into the pan, and turn off the heat. Leave to stand for one minute, then transfer to the cold water. The skins of the peaches should slither off pleasingly to a little probing.
3. Blend the peaches in a good blender until totally smooth. Add ONLY the cream part of your can of coconut milk (save the water underneath for a smoothie), maple syrup to taste, rosewater if using and a pinch of salt. Bzzt again for a few seconds, then add your prosecco and stir.
4. Transfer to a freezerproof container and freeze. Come back and stir as often as you can remember to break up the ice crystals until it’s completely frozen and quite smooth. The more often you can do this, the creamier the consistency will be in the end – try at least 5 or 6. If you have an ice cream maker, well get YOU. Use that.
5. Take out of the freezer 5 minutes before you need it.
Es un helado delicioso. No lo he probado escorts Parana antes.